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Your inbox, reinvented. Learn how to action your emails, achieve #triagezero fast and get on top of your workday.
Why don't I have access to an email?
Can I clear Triage in bulk?
Can I mute my Triage notifications?
If I archive an email in Outlook, will it move the email to cleared in Karbon?
Where can I find my sent emails?
Does Karbon have email templates?
Why has my email split into a new conversation?
How can I print an email?
Does Karbon have a spell checker?
What font is used for emails from Karbon?
How Are Email Threads Sorted in Karbon?
Why am I getting the error: "Auto Copy Disabled - Only you have access to this folder in Dropbox. To enable Auto Copy, disconnect this folder and connect a shared folder instead"?
Can't action or assign an email
Emails coming into my inbox have been identified as containing Trojan Horse Malware, how can I remove these from coming into Triage?
Can't find a work item when adding an email to work
My emails aren't appearing in Karbon
Scheduled email failed
Offline / disconnected banner