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Your inbox, reinvented. Learn how to action your emails, achieve #triagezero fast and get on top of your workday.
Why don't I have access to an email?
Can I clear Triage in bulk?
Can I mute my Triage notifications?
If I archive an email in Outlook, will it move the email to cleared in Karbon?
Where can I find my sent emails?
Does Karbon have email templates?
Why has my email split into a new conversation?
How can I print an email?
Does Karbon have a spell checker?
What font is used for emails from Karbon?
Can't action or assign an email
Emails coming into my inbox have been identified as containing Trojan Horse Malware, how can I remove these from coming into Triage?
Can't find a work item when adding an email to work
My emails aren't appearing in Karbon
Scheduled email failed
Offline / disconnected banner