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Send Client Requests

Learn more about how to send client requests, choosing who they are sent from and how to resend if need be!

Lachlan Macindoe avatar
Written by Lachlan Macindoe
Updated over 5 months ago

Client Requests can be manually sent immediately, or scheduled to automatically send in the future. You can send client requests from the assignee of the work, the client owner or a different colleague, and they can only be sent to people you have saved as a contact.


Sending a Client Request

Your Client Requests will send in an email to your client. These emails and responses from your client, will show on the contact and work timelines.

To set up the sending of your Client Requests, select 'Sending Settings' for the Client Request section that you want to send.

You'll then be presented with a box to choose to who you will send your Client Requests to, and who from.

If you have a client with multiple email addresses, you can choose which address their client requests will be sent to when setting up the client requests.

Search for the contact like normal, the pick list will include email addresses that have been saved for that client. You also have the ability to select multiple people to send the Client Request to. Choose the appropriate addresses from the suggestions list, or search for them in the search box, and select 'Next'.

Manual send

Choose 'Send Request now' to manually send. The email containing the Client Requests will be sent from the team member you have specified in the 'From' field.

Automatic send

You can schedule Client Requests to auto-send in the future, a certain number of days before or after the work item's start date (for a template) or on a specific date (for a work item). Once you have chosen your date, click 'Next'.

If the work is already on a schedule and you are choosing to 'Schedule Request to Auto Send Later', Karbon will ask you if you would like to update this instance or all instances of the work.

Auto Reminders

There is an option to schedule automatic reminders to send to your clients, reminding them to complete any outstanding client requests. You can choose to have your clients reminded gently, urgently or based on your own customizable preference.

A limit is applied to the number of reminders that will auto-send for a single Client Request. After the fifth reminder to your client, they will stop. If you want to override this limit, you can resend the Client Requests and the count will start again.

This is implemented to reduce the likelihood of your emails to clients being blocked. Identical emails that are sent over and over again can sometimes be flagged by SPAM filters.

You can choose to have your clients reminded gently, urgently or customize to your needs:

  • Gentle reminders: send seven days before the task due date, on the task due date and then every day after a task is overdue

  • Urgent reminders: send every day

  • Custom reminders : customize the frequency and select how often your clients will receive reminder emails

Click 'Save' to set your client requests to send.

If you later edit custom reminders to select a different frequency, the next reminder will be sent the number of days you chose from the date it was changed.

Example: If the custom reminders were originally set to be sent every 3 days, and then today you change the reminders to send 7 days, the next reminder will be sent 7 days from today.

Once all the client requests have been completed, no other reminders will be sent out; however, your client will still have access until the overall work item is Completed. If you add another client request to a completed section, you will have to click on the options menu '...' to resend the tasks again.

Smart suggestions for sending emails

When sending Client Requests, Karbon provides you with smart suggestions to help you find the correct recipient, so you don't have to spend time looking for the right email.

Simply navigate to the Client Request section, click 'Send Client Request' and click on the send to field. A list of 5 suggestions will automatically pop up and you can now choose the correct sender.

There are a few rules as to which suggestions are being shown and in what order they are displayed:

When work is assigned to a person:

  1. The primary email address of the client assigned to the work item. If no primary email address, the first suggestion will be 2, as stated below

  2. The email address used in previous Client Requests of that work item.

  3. Email addresses sent to additional contacts on the timeline e.g. if you send, receive or add an email to a timeline and it is a Karbon contact, it will be included in the suggested list. If an email is on the timeline and is not associated with a Karbon contact, we will not include it.

  4. Any Secondary emails associated with the contact the work is assigned to (a secondary email is an email on a contact tab, found in the details tab of the contact)

When work is assigned to an organization:

  1. The primary email address of the client assigned to the work item. If no primary email address, the first suggestion will be No.2, as stated below).

  2. Emails used in Client Requests. Note: we will not suggest additional emails associated with the email used in the Client Request. Only the email the request was sent to.

  3. Email addresses sent to additional contacts on the timeline e.g. if you send, receive or add an email to a timeline and it is a Karbon contact, it will be included in the suggested list. If an email is on the timeline and is not associated with a Karbon contact, we will not include it.

  4. The Primary email address of any related contacts of the organization e.g. if another person contact is also linked to the organization, we will display the primary email address of that contact.

  5. Secondary emails associated with the organization the work is assigned to (additional emails added in the contact details section in the details tab of the organization)

When work is assigned to a client group:

  1. Emails used in Client Requests. Note: we will not suggest additional emails associated with the email used in the Client Request. Only the email the request was sent to.

  2. Email addresses sent to additional contacts on the timeline e.g. if you send, receive or add an email to a timeline and it is a Karbon contact, it will be included in the suggested list. If an email is on the timeline and is not associated with a Karbon contact, we will not include it.

  3. Primary email addresses of the members of the Client Group (found in the members tab on the client group contact timeline)

Choosing who your client request emails come from

You can choose who your client request emails and reminders will be sent from. From within the work item's task section, select 'Sending Settings' button on the Client Request module.

A modal will appear where you can select who the client request will come from. It can come from the work assignee, client owners, or another colleague.

If you would like the email to come from yourself, and you are neither the work assignee or the client owner, select 'Other colleague' and enter your name.

Client Request Emails

When you create a client request section and set the sending rules, your emails will include text outlining basic instructions for your client. You have the option to choose who the email will be sent from and what content is included in the body and subject of the email.

When you choose to send your tasks, you will be able to select who your task and reminder emails will be sent from - work assignee, client owner or another colleague. If you select client owner and there is not one, the sender will default back to work assignee.

If a Client Request was sent from the work assignee/client owner and the work assignee/client owner is changed, if reminders are still active, they will then be sent accordingly from the updated work assignee/client owner.

If the person you select has an email signature set up in Karbon, the signature will be added to all client request emails.

Edit Client Request emails

You have the option to edit the email when you are choosing to send your client request. If you would like to create a customized client request email for a specific client or contact, this may be done in the work item or within a work template. If the work is set up on a schedule, all work in the series will adopt the customized email. If client request emails are customized on a template, all work created from the template will adopt these changes and have the same client request emails.

You will be able to customize the email body and email subject text for every client request you send. You will have the option to edit both the initial client request email, and your task reminder emails. Once you're done editing, simply click 'Save'.

Keep in mind there is a character limit of 4,000 for the body of a client request email.

Edit reminder emails

Once the client request email is customized and saved, you are brought to the reminder setup where you can not only set the reminder schedule but also edit the reminder emails by clicking on 'Edit Reminder Email'.

Client Email Placeholders

Placeholders are used to insert correct names and numbers into the client request and reminder emails. They are included by default in your client request emails - you'll see these when you choose to edit an email for the first time.

When you edit a client request email or reminder email, you can add placeholders for the work name, client name, contact name or salutation.

In the default email shown below, the placeholders can be moved around or removed altogether. If you do remove the placeholders, you can use them again by copying from the text below the email.

By default, your client request emails will be addressed to the contact's preferred name. If your contact does not have a preferred name specified, the contact's full name will be used.

If the above email was sent out, this is what the email would look like to your client:

Keep in mind if you use the placeholders available in the client email, when you update the External Name, the work name placeholder will then show as the External Name.

Available placeholders:

  • <%work_name>
    Will update to the name of the work item or external name

  • <%client_name>
    Will update to the name of the client the work is for

  • <%preferred_name>
    Will update to the preferred name of the client the tasks are for. If the contact has no preferred name specified, the full name will be used instead

  • <%contact_name>

    Will update to the name of the contact the tasks are being sent to

  • <%reminder_number>

    Will update to the reminder number. This is the number of reminders that have been sent to the client for these tasks

  • <%salutation>

    Can be updated within the Basics area of the Details tab for a person contact

Resend Client Requests

Client Requests can be resent to update the client contact, emails or reminder settings.

Click on the options menu '...' of the client request section and choose 'Resend Client requests'. You will then be able to update the client, the sender of the client requests and the Client requests email.

In the next screen, you'll be able to edit the send to/send from fields, reminder settings and edit the reminder email.

Cancel a Client Request

If a client request is scheduled to send automatically, you can choose to cancel sending. To cancel the sending of a client request that is scheduled to send date future date, choose 'Cancel Sending' from the request's options menu.

Client Request notifications

​When a client adds a comment, uploads a file, or marks a Client Request as complete, the colleague whom the Client Request is sent from and the assignee of the work item will both be notified (if they are different colleagues at the time of the first request being sent).

If the assignee of the Work and colleague whom the Client Request is sent from are not different at the time of the first request being sent, but the assignee of the Work subsequently changes such that they are different colleagues, only the updated assignee will receive the notifications.

Anyone who adds a comment or is mentioned in a comment will also be added to receive notifications. Anyone with access to the work item that the client request is part of will have the option to opt in or opt out of receiving notifications.

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