Please note: This is currently an invite-only integration. Please contact if you would like to discuss access. The set up guidance below only applies if you have already been invited to the integration, you will not be able to follow the steps without being invited.
What is Float?
Float is a highly rated resource management application that assists teams with planning and scheduling staff to understand and forecast capacity.
Our 2-way integration with Float provides the ability to schedule staff for Work within a drag and drop interface and optionally sync changes back to Karbon.
Setting up the integration
Please note: This is currently an invite-only integration. Please contact if you would like to discuss access.
1. Integration Connections
Enter your Karbon tenant key.
You can find this after the first / within your Karbon URL when logged into your account. Adding this will allow you to link back directly to the associated Karbon Work Item within a Float Project.
Add your Float API key
The Float Account Owner can locate the API key in the Integrations tab within the Team settings.
2. Project Creation
Select the Karbon Work Item Work Types that should be integrated with Float Projects.
Only Work Items in Karbon with these Work Types will result in Project creation in Float.
All Project Managers have edit rights
Toggle on to allow any Float Project Manager to edit the project. If toggled off unchecked, Float Project Managers will only be able to edit the project if they have been added to the project team in the Team section. Float Admins and the Account Owner will always have access to edit the project.
3. Project Colour
How should the Float Project color be set?
By Karbon Work Type.
This option sets a color for the Float Project based on the corresponding Karbon Work Type.By Float Project Owner email.
This option sets a color for the Float Project Owner email address. The Project Owner will be set according to the configuration option chosen in the Project Owner configuration page.
The available colours are set based on the Float default colours.
Whenever Work is updated in Karbon, the related Float Project color will update if the related fields have changed in Karbon.
If no mapping is found by the integration, the color will be set to Float's default color of blue, hex #0095D8.
Completed Work in Karbon updates Float Project color
When set to Yes, whenever an integrated Work Item is completed in Karbon, the Project colour will be updated to green in Float. Note that at this time the color will not be changed back if Work moves out of a completed status.
4. Project Owner
The Project Owner in Float is the person in charge of an individual project. Anyone with access rights assigned in Float can be set as the Project Owner of a project. It is a filterable field across different areas of Float.
How should the Float Project Owner field be set?
Note that currently this field is only populated when the Work Item is initially created in Karbon. It will not be subsequently updated by the integration.
Karbon Work Assignee
Karbon Client Owner
Karbon Client Manager
Karbon Work Item Client Group
If set to Client Owner or Client Manager but these are not set in Karbon then the Project Owner will default to the Float account owner.
Whenever Work is updated in Karbon, the related Float Project color will update if the related fields have changed in Karbon.
Karbon Client Group to Float Project Owner Email Mapping
This is only necessary if Karbon Work Item Client Group is chosen. It allows you to map Client Group names to Float Project Owner Email Addresses.
5. Project Status
Completed Work in Karbon changes Float Project status to archived
Note that the status will not be changed back to active if Work moves out of a completed status.
Deleted Work in Karbon deletes Projects in Float
If items are restored from deletion in Karbon they will not be restored in Float.
If the project is already archived in Float it will not be deleted.
6. Project Allocations
Update Karbon Start Date when changes occur to confirmed allocations in Float
When enabled the Karbon start date will change to the start date of the earliest confirmed Allocation in Float (unless there is a completed allocation that is earlier). The purpose of this feature is to allow the related Karbon Work Item start date to reflect the actual date the Work will be started. This will only impact the linked Work Item, it will not impact the Work Schedule.
Update Karbon Due Date when changes occur to confirmed allocations in Float
When enabled the Karbon due date will change to the date of the latest confirmed Allocation in Float. The purpose of this feature is to allow the related Karbon Work Item due date to reflect the furthest away date that Work has been allocated in Float. We only recommend to use this feature if you do not have fixed due dates for completion of Work in Karbon. This will only impact the linked Work Item, it will not impact the Work Schedule.
Update Karbon Work Assignee when changes occur to confirmed allocations in Float
When enabled the Karbon Work Assignee will change to the assignee of the earliest confirmed Allocation in Float that is not in the past or complete (if there is more than one person assigned to the earliest allocation in Float the system will chose the first). We recommend not to use this option if you use automators that change Work Assignee as the work progresses in Karbon.
Update Karbon Role Assignments when Float allocation changes occur
Reassign based on previous assignment
This option will identify the user that was previously assigned the allocation in Float, identify if the related Work Item in Karbon has any assignments (tasks/automators) related to that user, and if there are then those assignments (except completed) will all be updated to the new user.
John is the Preparer in Karbon and you allocate time in Float for John to do the work. John is out sick and the work needs to be completed so you need to re-allocate to James. Drag John's existing allocation to James in Float and it will also be reassigned in Karbon.
Note that this option will only work if:
a) The allocation in Float already existed
b) The allocation in Float was assigned to one user, not multiple
c) The previous allocation assignee in Float has non-completed assignments (tasks/automators) on the Work Item in Karbon
Option 2: Reassign based on matching user roles
This option will identify the user that is currently assigned the allocation in Float, identify the roles that user is allocated in their profile on Karbon, search for roles that match those roles in the related Work Item in Karbon, and if there are then assignments (tasks/automators, except completed) related to those roles will all be updated to that user.
Option 3: No reassignment
No updates will be made to users assigned to Karbon Roles (tasks/automators).
When the Work Status is updated in Karbon, complete existing allocations in Float that have end dates on the same day or before the date the Work Status was updated in Karbon
This setting assumes that if the Work Status is updated, all allocations on that day or in the past must've been completed. The purpose of this setting is so that the Float Schedule accurately depicts what has and has not been done, without manual intervention.
Completed Work in Karbon updates related Float Project Allocations to Completed
Note that at this time the status will not be changed back to active if Work moves out of a completed status.
Automatic Allocation Rules
Whenever Karbon Work or Work Budget is added or updated and one or more rules apply, allocations will be added in Float for each budget line item.
Allocations will only be posted to Float once per budget line in Karbon that met the rules, subsequent updates to that same budget line in Karbon will not result in adjustment to the posted allocation in Float.
The allocation in Float will have a task named after the work status in Karbon at the point it is created.
Work Type
The Work Type entered must be an exact match to the Work Type name in Karbon
Primary Work Status
Set the Primary Status of Work when the rule should apply.
Secondary Work Status
Set the Secondary Status of Work when the rule should apply. Leave blank if the setting is solely based on the primary status.
Contact Type
Enter 'Any' under Contact Type if you want the rule to apply regardless of Contact Type
Budget Role
The Budget Role entered must be an exact match to the Role name in Karbon
Task Type
Enter 'Any' under Task Type if you want the rule to apply regardless of Contact Type
Allocation Type
Start date - Adds the full time allocation for the budget line in Float on the start date of the Work. If the Start date in Karbon (after accounting for the date variable) falls on a weekend it will be moved forward to the Monday.
Due date - Adds the full time allocation for the budget line in Float on the due date of the Work and before (i.e. if the time allocation was 15 hours and the due date was a Friday, there would be one allocation on Friday for 7 hours and one on the Thursday before for 8 hours). If the Due date in Karbon (after accounting for the date variable) falls on a weekend it will be moved backwards to the Friday.
Split evenly - Splits the full time allocation for the budget line in Float across the number of working days between the start and due date.
Trigger date - Adds the full time allocation for the budget line in Float on the date the rules were satisfied. If trigger date (after accounting for the date variable) falls on a weekend it will be moved forwards to the Monday.
Date Variable
Where Start date or Due date are set as the allocation type, entering a positive or negative number here will adjust the date accordingly.
Tentative or Confirmed
This setting controls if the allocation is set as tentative or confirmed in Float
If budgets have not been generated in Karbon due to create tasks & budget settings being later than work creation settings within the repeat schedule, but other conditions match, automatic allocations will not generate. Once the budget lines are created, if conditions still match allocations will be created in Float.
7. Project Budget
Select Roles that you would like to be excluded from budget total calculations.
This option allows you to multi-select Roles within your Karbon account that when appearing on budget lines, are excluded from the budget calculations in Float. This is helpful if you are only wanting to schedule resource in Float for certain roles, and therefore only interested in the budget for that resource in Float.
Float Budget Type
Choose the most appropriate option
Fee-based (total fixed fee in Karbon)
Fee-based (total budgeted time in Karbon)
Hours-based (total budgeted hours in Karbon)
Hourly fee (no fee information will transfer to Karbon)
8. Users
On a daily basis Float People with a matching Karbon User (based on email address) will have People tags updated in Float to match the Karbon Teams the user is part of as well as the Karbon Roles they have.
Update user billable rates from Karbon to Float
When enabled billable rates will sync from Karbon to Float on a daily basis.
Import People on Setup
When enabled adds Karbon Users as People in Float except where People already exist with the same email address. In Float People exist on the schedule and will only have a linked account if they are invited to sign in. Each active person in Float contributes to a billing seat. Note that this will only be successful for the number of available seats in your Float Billing Plan.
Exclude Karbon Users for People Import
If Import People on Setup is enabled, enter the email address of anyone Karbon User you don't want added to Float.
How to use Triggers and Actions
New Work in Karbon
Work in Karbon
When Karbon Work Items are created and the Work Type matches those specified in the integration settings, a corresponding Float Project will be created with:
Project Colour set by either Karbon Work Type or Float Project Owner, this is a global setting for the integration.
Project Owner as either Karbon Work Assignee/Client Owner/Client Manager/Work Item Client Group (mapped to a Karbon User email address)
Project Status will be Confirmed
Project Billable Status will be Billable
Project Name will be the Karbon Work Name-[Karbon Work Status]
Project Client will be the Karbon Client
Project Tags for
Start month (MMM YYYY) tag Y/N
Due month (MMM YYYY) tag Y/N
Deadline month (MMM YYYY) tag Y/N
Work type tag Y/N
Contact type tag Y/N
Current Status Y/N
Client group
Client owner
Client manager
Financial Year End (Day and Month - i.e. 31st December)
Entity type
Project Start/End dates will be defined in Float as the earliest/latest date of either; an Allocation, a Logged time, a Phase or a Milestone or the 'Set date' on the project. When created the Milestones will set the Start/End dates.
Project Budget will set by either Karbon Fixed Fee, Total Budget Amount (option to exclude Roles from calculation) or Total Budget Hours (option to exclude Roles from calculation).
Start Date
Due Date
Project Note with a URL back to the Karbon Work Item
Project Team will be populated based on the Karbon Work Item users assigned to Roles (tasks and automators), where the user also exists in Float. The Rate in the Float Project Team will be determined by the Float Hourly Rate set against the user profile (there is an integration setting to sync these from Karbon). The purpose of populating the Project Team is that from the Float Project Plan view you can see which team members are part of the project.
The Float Project Team is only set by Karbon on Project creation. As you assign and reassign allocations in Float, the Project Team will automatically update.
Updated Work in Karbon
When the following changes occur in Karbon Work Items:
Work Type
If the Karbon Work Status is not Completed the following updates will occur in linked Float Projects:
Allocations (created if updates mean that Automatic Allocation Rules are satisfied)
If the Karbon Work Status is Completed the following updates will occur in linked Float Projects:
Status (set to archived if integration setting enabled)
Colour (set to green if integration setting enabled)
Allocations (set to completed if integration setting enabled)
Updated Budget in Karbon
When budget lines are added, updated or removed in Karbon Work Items, the following updated will occur in linked Float Projects:
Budget will be updated in Float using the existing Budget Type on the Float Project
Allocations (created if updates mean that Automatic Allocation Rules are satisfied)
Daily Updates
If enabled, billable rates will sync from Karbon to Float for every user with a matching email address.
People tags will be updated in Float to match the Karbon Teams they are part of as well as the Roles they have.
Float Allocation Updates
When any allocation changes in Float, Karbon can optionally be updated to:
Change the assignee of non-completed Tasks and Automators (according to the integration option chosen (see further detail under Project Allocations above)
Option 1. Reassign based on previous assignment
Option 2: Reassign based on matching user roles
Option 3: No reassignment
When the earliest confirmed allocation changes in Float, Karbon can optionally be updated to:
Switch the start date to the date of the earliest confirmed allocation (unless there is a completed allocation that is earlier)
Switch the assignee to the assignee of the earliest allocation (user email addresses must match across both systems) that is not in the past or complete (if there is more than one person assigned to the earliest allocation in Float the system will chose the first)
When the latest confirmed allocation changes in Float, Karbon can optionally be updated to:
Switch the due date to the date of the latest allocation
Whenever these changes occur notes will be added to the Work timeline detailing the reason for the change.
Onboarding Support
We recommend purchasing a Tech Annual Service Plan for setup consultation and ongoing support.
Which Float subscription is required for the integration?
Float's Starter subscription is suitable for the integration.
How many users will I need in Float?
Float pricing is based on the number of active people. That means that anybody who appears on the Schedule (anybody you need to plan allocations for or schedule time off for) is counted as a paid seat. We recommend adding each user that you need to schedule time for.
Where can I learn more about Float?
Their website is here -
Their help centre is here -
Where can I find my Float API key?
The Account Owner can locate the API key in the Integrations tab within the Team settings.
Is there a cost for this integration?
The integration is available for free to Karbon customers.
When are new Clients created in Float?
If there is no existing client in Float with a name that matches the Karbon Work Item Client name, then a new Float client will be created.
If I update a Client name in Karbon, will the name be updated in Float?
Why does the Client name in Float contain a hyphen and number after it?
In Float you can only have one client with the same name, whereas in Karbon you can have multiple. Therefore to allow for this we append the Karbon key for the client (you’ll notice this in the Karbon URL whenever you’re viewing the client) at the end of the name.
My Work is on a schedule in Karbon, when will I see it as a Project in Float?
Whenever the Work creates in Karbon. It is important the schedule Work creation is set in line with the timeframe you want to plan work for.
Where should I track time?
We recommend tracking time in Karbon. Time entries added to Float will not sync to Karbon.
Where should I track time-off?
You can schedule and manage time off in Float.
We recommend to still add time entries in Karbon to reflect this time.
Will allocations sync to my Calendar?
If each user enables calendar sync in Float.
How quickly will updates to one system impact another
Typically updates will be reflected within a matter of minutes, however there may be some delays if high volume of updates are made in either system within a short space of time.
Will Karbon Teams sync to Float Departments?
Not currently but this may be a future enhancement. Teams a Karbon user is part of will sync on a daily basis as People Tags in Float.
Will colleague Roles sync from Karbon to Float user Roles?
Not currently but this may be a future enhancement. Roles a Karbon user is allocated will sync on a daily basis as People Tags in Float.
Will Role rates sync from Karbon to Float?
Not currently but this may be a future enhancement.
Will colleague Rates sync from Karbon to Float?
Yes, on a daily basis for users with matching email addresses across both systems.
I am already utilising Work webhooks in Karbon for other integrations, how will this impact those?
Please reach out to
Best Practice Tips and Scenarios
If you have different settings requirements for different departments, you can deploy the integration more than once.
Make sure that your budgets are set up in Karbon so that you can easily see in Float how much budget you have remaining to schedule in Float. If you decide to do this over time, the daily sync or updates to work will push the updates.
If you are syncing budgets then consider setting up rates in Float so that as you schedule allocations you benefit from reporting on how much of the budget has been scheduled.
Make sure that your repeating schedules are set to create Work and create Tasks and Budgets on the same schedule, and far enough in advance for your planning requirements.
Consider using calendar integrations in Float. This will mean the scheduled allocations will show in the calendar in MyWeek for the assigned user and time entries can be created easily from them.
Consider Float's access rights.
It is recommended that managers who need to manage schedules have the Project Manager permission enabled, however they should be advised not create new projects. Access to projects will be granted through Project Ownership, which will be set via the Float Integration with Karbon (likely based on Work Assignee).
Scenario 1 - You have work to be scheduled, you don't know who is doing it in advance, but you know who is managing or reviewing it
A typical example might be if you have a Preparer and a Reviewer on a work item, the Preparer may change but the Reviewer is constant.
Consider adding placeholder users to your Karbon account. You can do this by inviting a new user but with an email address that doesn't exist. You won't be charged for this user and you can use it for assigning. We would suggest to add placeholder user for each different role that is relevant to resource planning. You should also add these users to Float (where they will be paid users) with the same email address (this is essential).
These placeholder users are helpful when you know that something needs to be scheduled but you don't know who it should be scheduled to.
When assigning Work to Roles in Karbon, set the assignees you know in the Roles that are constant (i.e. Client Manager/Reviewer), then assign the placeholder users to the roles that are relevant to resource planning, then if you use automatic scheduling rules for this role then allocations will push into Float based on the rules set.
You can then drag those allocations onto the appropriate staff member in Float and if you have the integration settings configured to reassign tasks and automators in Karbon they will be updated.
Scenario 2 - You know who should be assigned the Work in advance, but that may change
When assigning Work to Roles in Karbon, assign those items to the people who will typically be doing them. If you use automatic scheduling rules for this role then allocations will push into Float based on the rules set.
If changes need to take place you can then drag those allocations onto the appropriate staff member in Float and if you have the integration settings configured to reassign tasks and automators in Karbon they will be updated.