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Using your Calendar in Karbon
Using your Calendar in Karbon
Erin Jamison avatar
Written by Erin Jamison
Updated over a week ago


Connect your Calendar

To connect your calendar head into your My Week and click on the button allowing you to connect. If you're using Gmail it will say 'Sign In With Google' and if you have Office 365 it will display 'Connect Calendar'.

It will take you through a similar sign-in process as you did when you first joined Karbon, that requests your permission to integrate your current calendar to Karbon.

Using the Calendar

Once you're connected to your Calendar, you will immediately see any items that currently live in your email client's calendar. You can interact with your calendar as you would in your email client, you can block off time, accept invites, respond to a single or repeating calendar event and even track the time you've taken up on each event.

If you're invited to a meeting via Zoom, Teams, Google Meet and Skype, you'll be able to accept or decline from the event in your calendar in My Week.

Viewing items

By default, you will be taken to your day view for the day that you're in, but you have three options to view your Calendar:

  • Day - allows you to see the items you have by the hour and how much time you have in your schedule to plan out your day further. This view also allows you to drag and drop from My Week, to further block out your day.

  • Schedule - this will allow you to see what you have going on in your day, and how many items are on your list for that day.

  • Week - gives you a visual representation of where you have free blocks. You can then navigate to that day by clicking on the date.

Items originally in your calendar will maintain their color coding in the Calendar.

Drag & Drop items from My Week

You can block out time in your calendar by dragging and dropping the items you're responsible for in the timeslot preferred. This will be reflected in your calendar on the email provider side as well so your team always knows your availability.

Once you drag and drop the item into your calendar, by default it will block out 30 minutes, but you will have the option to adjust the duration as well as the date the event will be on.

When an event has been created by dragging and dropping a work item from My Week, the user can view the details in the modal. Under the Work field, they will be able to click on the work item name. This will bring up the Work Overlay. From here, they can do work or go to the work item itself.

Keep items private

When you block out time in your Calendar from My Week, you will have the option to set its visibility. By default, items will be set to visible, which means that if the item (assigned work, note or email) is public, it will appear on your email inbox's calendar as is.

If you drag an item that is private, hidden, or not visible to others (e.g. an email not on a public timeline), it will be set to hidden in the Karbon Calendar.

And will show as 'busy' on your email provider's calendar for your colleagues.

You can change the visibility upon creation by using the drop-down and changing to the preferred visibility.

Track time on events

On the events added to your calendar, you can track time against each item. In any view (Schedule, Day, Week), click on the item that you'd like to add time to and click the clock button. This will have a pop-up module, which allows you to add in the time worked.

Remove Events

To remove events, click on the event you'd like removed, in the upper right corner, you'll see a trashcan icon. Click on the item and it'll prompt you to delete the item

If this event is a repeat event in your email provider's calendar, it will give you the option to remove just that event or all events.

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