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My Week Overview

My Week gives visibility to all the items that you’re responsible for and gives you the ability to decide what your next priority should be.

Erin Jamison avatar
Written by Erin Jamison
Updated over 4 months ago

Need a place where you can get a quick feel for your workload for the upcoming weeks? My Week is it!

My Week provides you with an overview of the current status and further details of all work and tasks assigned to you. You can then organize those items into a manageable action plan outlining exactly what you need to do. In this article, you'll learn more about the anatomy of My Week and your Colleague's Week!


Video Overview of My Week

Anatomy of My Week

The items that you are responsible for can be organized by the following buckets:

This Week

'This Week' shows you the items that are planned for the given week. You can see which items you're working on now or any work items, emails and notes that you plan to work on for that week.

All work is categorized by the status or sub-status starting from completed to planned. Whereas notes and emails are categorized from last added to first added.

Working on Now

'Working on Now' is intended to indicate any items that are your biggest priority and focus. You can move those high-priority items in your 'This Week' bucket into your 'Working on Now' by simply dragging and dropping it in.

When an item is moved into 'Working on Now', this will indicate to your team that you're working on that item. You will also be able to see any team members who are also working on it.

If you complete part of the work and need to complete other parts of the work later, you can move it out of 'Working on Now' to either sit in 'This Week' and into a different week bucket.

Important to Remember:

Any time entry no matter what the status of the work is, will move this work item/task into Working on Now

Filtering items

As your list grows, to quickly identify the items that you would like to look at or work on, you can use the filters available to view the specific items that you need.

The filtering options available will be:

  • Status

  • Due Date

  • Start Date

  • Work Type

Keep in mind the filtering options for the four filters above will vary based on the items present.

If you find that your filter list is too long to see in one screen, you can scroll to the right to see more.

Work Card

The work card is how each item is presented in My Week and each card displays the name of the work item, the client, how many tasks you have (or if any), the due date of the work, and if anything is overdue (work or tasks). It also provides you with the progress on budgets and on the work card, it also shows you how much time you have left in the budget (if any). The work card will also display a message depending on the state of the work item for the individual:

[x number] Tasks: If the user has tasks assigned to them the work card will display the number of tasks

No Tasks Assigned: This message will be displayed if the user has no tasks but is the work assignee

All Your Tasks Have Been Reassigned: If the user's tasks have been reassigned, this message will be displayed with a prompt to 'Move to Done'

Work is Complete: This message will be displayed if the work item has been completed with a prompt to 'Move to Done'

Tasks Awaiting Automator Assignment: This message will be displayed if the user has no tasks currently assigned to them but has a task automator set up to assign tasks to the individual in the future.

If you require more information you can click on the work card which will bring up a summary of that work item called the work overlay. The work overlay is a module that provides a more detailed summary of the work item.

This overlay will give information such as any pinned notes, the last completed task, how the work item is progressing (including how much budget you have used), and the list of your tasks. You can expect to see the following parts in a work overlay:

  • Assignee of the work item

  • Current Status

  • Start Date

  • Due date

  • Pinned notes within the work item

  • Last completed task

  • How the work item is progressing as well as how much of the budget has been used (hover over the bar)

  • List of your tasks

  • Next tasks (for the work assignee)

If you need more information, you can either click through to the full work item or click on an individual task, which will take you to the expanded task on the work item.

Next Week

'Next Week' shows you all the items planning to move into the 'This Week' bucket.

For example; any work items in 'Next Week' will move to your 'This Week' bucket when you log in on Monday morning. Any work items left in 'This Week' will remain until moved to 'Done'.

While in this view, you can get a quick snapshot of the things you'll be responsible for in the coming week. Much like the 'This Week' bucket, you can also filter items here similarly to find the items you may need to view.

If there are items that you would like to move out of the 'Next Week' view, you can simply drag and drop that item into a different bucket.


When you are assigned an item that you know you won't be ready to work on in the week you're in or the week to come, you can put items in this 'Later' bucket and give it a specific date you'd like it to come back.

You can drag items from other buckets here to push out when you plan on beginning the work on those items. When you add those items in the Later bucket, a module will appear that allows you to choose the date that you wish to begin the work.

You can add items to this bucket in one of two ways:

1. Drag and drop it from another bucket, such as 'This Week', 'Next Week', 'To Plan' or 'Done'.

2. While in the work item you'd like to add to the 'Later' bucket, choose the date you'd like it to come into your 'This Week' view by choosing the date options given.

For work items and the associated tasks assigned to you, you will need to navigate to the work item > open the details tab > scroll to the Work Team > click on the text below Planned Week. This will open up a module that allows you to choose the dates you'd like it to move from 'Later' to 'This Week'

A work item can be planned up to three months out, anything more than that can remain in 'To Plan' until you're ready.

Keep in mind emails and notes can only be planned in the current week that you're in. If you would like to move them into the 'Next Week' or 'Later' buckets you will need to do this in the 'My Week' feature.

To Plan

If you have work items that are created by a Repeating Schedule and you have "Don't Add Planned Week" selected in Resource Planning under the Repeat Settings, they will live here. You can then decide when you want to plan this work item for, and move it into 'This Week', 'Next Week', 'Later' or 'Done'.

Much like both 'This Week' and 'Later' you can filter items in this view to get to the item you need most and plan when you want to work on it by using the drag and drop functionality and placing it into the appropriate bucket.


This is where all items that you’ve completed in My Week will appear and you'll notice that they are categorized by the date you completed the work.

For items in 'Done', if the situation changes, the card will be moved back to the 'This Week' bucket and bolded (identifying it's a new item).

The following actions will make this occur:

  • You become the work assignee of a card in 'Done'

  • Your tasks are marked uncompleted

  • You are assigned a new task, including via automators

  • Any new activity (comment or reply) on an email or note

Keep in mind items that are placed in the 'Done' bucket do not take any action on the actual item. You will still need to go into that item and complete it (i.e. work items or tasks).


This in-page search will help reduce your work list within My Week. This search will include the ability to search by client name, work item name, email name, and note name.

Keep In Mind If you have more than 100 items, the search will not include items on your next page.


This is where you can connect your email provider's calendar to Karbon to view and plan out your day all within Karbon.

Connecting your Calendar

To connect your calendar head into your My Week and click on the button allowing you to connect. If you're using Gmail it will say 'Sign In With Google' and if you have Office 365 it will display 'Connect Calendar'.

It will take you through a similar sign-in process as you did when you first joined Karbon, that requests your permission to integrate your current calendar to Karbon.

Viewing your Calendar

Once you're connected to your Calendar, you will immediately see any items that currently live in that calendar.

By default, you will be taken to your day view for the day that you're in, but you have three options to view your Calendar:

  • Day - allows you to see the items you have by the hour and how much time you have in your schedule to plan out your day further. This view also allows you to drag and drop from My Week, to further block out your day.

  • Schedule - this will allow you to see what you have going on in your day, and how many items are on your list for that day.

  • Week - gives you a visual representation of where you have free blocks. You can then navigate to that day by clicking on the date.

Blocking out time from My Week

To block out time in your Calendar, drag and drop the items you're responsible for in the timeslot preferred. This will be reflected in your Calendar on the email provider side as well so your team always knows your availability.

Once you drag and drop the item into your calendar, by default it will block out 30 minutes, but you will have the option to adjust the duration as well as the date the event will be on.

When an event has been created by dragging and dropping a work item from My Week, the user can view the details in the modal. Under the Work field, they will be able to click on the work item name. This will bring up the Work Overlay. From here, they can do work or go to the work item itself.


When you block out time in your Calendar from My Week, you will have the option to set its visibility. By default, items will be set to visible, which means that if the item (assigned work, note or email) is public, it will appear on your email inbox's calendar as is.

If you drag an item that is private, hidden, or not visible to others (e.g. an email not on a public timeline), it will be set to hidden in the Karbon Calendar.

And will show as 'busy' on your email provider's calendar for your colleagues.

You can change the visibility upon creation by using the drop-down and changing to the preferred visibility.

Colleague's Week

You can additionally get an overview of the current status and details of all work and tasks assigned to your colleagues. By default, this setting will be turned on for every user in Karbon.

By going into your main menu and clicking on My Week, you'll see a drop-down called 'Colleague's Week'. There you will be shown a list of all your colleagues and a quick snapshot of the items they have in their My Week.

In this view, you'll see how many items are in each bucket that lives in your or your colleague's My Week.

While on this page, you may see that some information doesn't show up for your colleague(s). This is because they have turned off the setting that allows your team to view their 'My Week'.

However, for your colleagues who have not turned off this setting, you can go into their view to see what they are currently working on or what they have or have not planned for.

Keep in mind if an item is private or not on any public timelines, you will not have access to those items. You will however be able to see the number of items they have in each bucket.

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