Your timelines will show events for key activities to give you a complete audit history. This is useful if you want to know who updated a work start date, if a work item was created off a schedule, or when a due date was changed.
Where relevant the event will include a timestamp, and information on which team member was the one who made the action.
Events will appear for the following activities:
Colleague actions
Work created
Status changed
Work assigned
Work reassigned
Work start date set
Work start date changed
Work due date set
Work due date changed
Work deadline date set
Work deadline date changed
System-wide Automators
Work reached start date
First task in work completed
Work started and start date updated
Work schedule actions
Work created
Work assigned
Start date set
Due date set
Deadline date set
Activity items on timelines, tasks, emails and notes give you a clear picture of why updates have been made - a full audit trail of what's happened. These activity items cannot be edited or removed.
When the start date or due date is changed on a task or note, an activity event will make a record of who made the change.
If an Automator updates the due date or assignee of a task, an activity event will make a record of it. It is clear that the change was due to an Automator, rather than a team member.
The event will include a timestamp, and information on which team member initiated the action.