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Get a breakdown of what's still outstanding using the Receivables Summary
Get a breakdown of what's still outstanding using the Receivables Summary

View a breakdown of outstanding items across your clients with Client Receivables

Erin Jamison avatar
Written by Erin Jamison
Updated over a week ago

View a breakdown of outstanding items across your clients with Client Receivables. Outstanding and overdue debt is shown at a summary level for all clients and broken down by client level. If there is no debt for a client they will not be shown on this page.

Please keep in mind, this page will include debt for hidden contacts in the totals, but not in the summary by the client (unless the viewer has access for that hidden contact).

Click on each contact available in the list to see a breakdown of all invoices awaiting payment, activity for that contact, billing contact information, and how much you have invoiced vs received for that client.

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