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Karbon API Integration

How to access the Karbon OpenAPI spec and use it in Postman and connecting your custom application to Karbon through Karbon's API key

Leigh Schlobohm avatar
Written by Leigh Schlobohm
Updated over a week ago

Learn where your Karbon API key lives in Karbon, and how to create your first call to an end point in Postman.


How do I find my Karbon API key?

Custom applications that interact with the Karbon API will need your tenant's API access key before they can interact with your data. Here's how to find it in 3 easy steps:

1. Register your app

Head to and register your new app. Your app will need to have its registration approved before you can retrieve your tenant API access key.

2. Log in to Karbon and go to your connected apps settings

Log into Karbon and go to 'Settings' in the sidebar, then click 'Connected Apps'

3. Find your custom integration and click "Manage"

Your API key will be displayed on the following page. Use this key in conjunction with your Application Authorization Token to interact with the Karbon API.

Note: Remember to only give this access key to people and applications that you trust.

Accessing the Karbon API using Postman

Ok, so you've registered for the Karbon API and you have your Application Key and your API Key. Now it's time to get up and running. The most common API testing application seems to be Postman these days, so here's a rundown utilizing that tool.

1. Open Postman and begin by downloading the OpenAPI spec from

Drag and drop the downloaded OpenAPI spec into the Postman Import dialog box.

If everything has been input correctly, you should see a new collection in Postman:

2. Adding access and API key

We'll create an Environment and add these important access keys in variables. There are even more secure ways to handle these keys and we suggest you implement and follow good practice.

Edit the Karbon API 3.0 collection and add a Bearer Token type of Authorization.

Add in the variable


that you created when you added the variable into the Environment.

Make sure to set your baseUrl to be

Now we just need to add the AccessKey to the header:


We've created a preset that is easier to manage, but you can add it to each endpoint if you like.

And then we're good to go! We've just used the Contacts endpoint with the GET method and removed all the parameters.


3. Happy coding!

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