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Zapier Integration

Learn how you can integrate with hundreds of other apps by combining Karbon with Zapier.

Lachlan Macindoe avatar
Written by Lachlan Macindoe
Updated over 7 months ago

Using Zapier you can connect and sync contact data between Karbon and more than 1,500 other apps connected to Zapier.

Note: Karbon's integration with Zapier is currently in early access. You can find it in the Zapier app directory here.


Why use Zapier with Karbon?

Zapier provides 'Triggers' and 'Actions' for each app that it supports, including Karbon. A 'Zap' combines a trigger from one app with an 'Action' in another. Whenever the trigger occurs, Zapier automatically completes the action for you.

Connecting Zapier with Karbon

Getting started using Zapier with Karbon is super easy! You just have to follow the following steps to complete your first zap!

  1. Sign up for a Zapier account

  2. Create your first Zap

  3. Select Karbon as your Trigger app

  4. Connect your Karbon account

  5. Complete your Zap by adding an Action step

  6. Using Karbon actions

1. Sign up for a Zapier account

To get started you'll need a Zapier account. If you don't have an account already, you can sign up for free.

2. Create your first Zap

Click the 'Make a New Zap' button, which is at the top-right corner of the page when you have logged into Zapier.

3. Select Karbon as your Trigger App

Search for Karbon as your 'Trigger App'. Once Karbon has been selected, you can choose a Trigger.

4. Connect your Karbon account

Clicking 'Connect your account' will open a new window asking you to provide your Karbon API key.

You can find your API key in your Karbon account at Settings > Connected Apps > Zapier.

Copy and paste the API key into the Zapier window, and click Connect.

5. Complete your Zap by adding an Action step

Choose from one of Zapier's 1,500+ app integrations to create an action step. For more details on this, refer to Zapier's Getting Started Guide.

6. Using Karbon actions
If you'd prefer, you can also set up a Zap where another app triggers an action to Karbon. If you do this, choose another app for your Trigger step, and Karbon as your Action step.

Video Overview of how to connect Zapier with Karbon (7 min)

Using your integration with Zapier

There's multiple different actions that can happen in Karbon or triggers in Karbon that can create trigger in Zapier, through the Zapier integration.

Available Karbon Triggers

  • Person Contact Created

    Triggers when a new person contact is created in Karbon

  • Organization Contact Created

    Triggers when a new organization contact is created in Karbon

  • Person Contact Updated

    Triggers when a new person contact is updated in Karbon

  • Organization Contact Updated

    Triggers when a new organization contact is updated in Karbon

Please note: Deleting properties will not cause the update trigger to run.

Available Karbon Actions

  • Create Person Contact

    Creates a new person contact in Karbon

  • Create Organization Contact

    Creates a new organization contact in Karbon

  • Update Person Contact

    Updates a person contact in Karbon

  • Update Organization Contact

    Updates an organization contact in Karbon

Updating a contact's country field

Contact country information is saved as a two-letter country code, which applies to Zapier updates as well.

Karbon uses the two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) for country data saved to a Contact. This means that if you use a Zapier Trigger to update a Contact's country information, you will need to use the appropriate code.

Codes for common countries include:

  • Australia: AU

  • Canada: CA

  • New Zealand: NZ

  • South Africa: ZA

  • United Kingdom: GB

  • United States: US

What fields does Karbon sync with Zapier?

Currently, Karbon syncs contact data with Zapier. These fields include:

Person contacts

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Client identifier

  • Contact type

  • Preferred name

  • Salutation

  • Email address

  • Address line

  • City 

  • State/ Province/ County

  • Zip code

  • Country

  • Phone number

Organization contacts

  • Name

  • Client identifier

  • Contact type

  • Website

  • Address line

  • City

  • State/ Province/ County

  • Zip code

  • Country

  • Phone number

Note: When creating a contact, to avoid duplicates, you can check here for duplicates in both contacts and organizations. If it already exists, you then can update the contact or do nothing.


If you have any questions about how to connect, feel free to reach out to our support team and they will help you. You can also read more about 10 Zapier automations to keep your Karbon contact details up-to-date.

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