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Manage your GoProposal Integration

Find out how to manage your integration with GoProposal and use this article to find answers to your most frequently asked questions

Lachlan Macindoe avatar
Written by Lachlan Macindoe
Updated over a week ago

This is an FAQ article for questions about the GoProposal Integration with Karbon. Simply click the category in the Index below and you'll be taken to your answer.


Contacts in GoProposal

When integrating to GoProposal it is essential that the contacts are mapped out correctly between GoProposal and Karbon, so GoProposal knows which contacts to create work for. Below are a few scenarios to consider when creating work through contacts in Karbon.

When is a new contact created in Karbon through GoProposal?

Contacts in Karbon won't be created by GoProposal unless explicitly added from the 'Add a new contact to Karbon' button. When clicking the button and filling out the details, the contact is created in Karbon, available from the 'Find a contact from Karbon' drop-down and auto-populated in the Internal Details within GoProposal for fast creation of the proposal.

Furthermore, work in Karbon won't be created by GoProposal until the proposal is finished, sent, signed, returned and marked as won by GoProposal.

Can't see the 'Find a contact from Karbon' in my GoProposal proposals

If you don't see the "Find a contact from Karbon" selection option at the top of the Your/Client Details in the Complete Proposal within GoProposal, it means that the integration between Karbon and GoProposal does not exist.

Follow the steps in the GoProposal Integration Setup Guide to place the appropriate Karbon token in the integration section of GoProposal.

Can't find a newly added Karbon contact in GoProposal

When GoProposal presents the Complete Proposal screen for you to add Your/Client Details, it becomes static. If you don't find your contact listed, click the 'refresh' option from the 'Find a contact from Karbon' header to pull the most up-to-date list from Karbon.

Multiple contacts from Karbon in GoProposal

Multiple instances of a contact may be shown if that contact has multiple representations within Karbon.

When choosing the Karbon contact to associate to a proposal from the 'Find a contact in Karbon' area in the Your/Client Details in GoProposal, all variations of the searched contact name will appear. Multiple instances of the contact may be shown if that contact has multiple representations within Karbon.

For instance, a person might be associated to multiple organizations like a small business and a non-profit. Each instance will be displayed in the associated drop-down. In addition, there may exist multiple contacts for a searched organization. All will be shown. Be sure to pick the right contact for the proposal that you plan to send.

Creating a new contact for a client that already exists in Karbon

Karbon does not allow you to overwrite an existing contact, so if you create a new contact in GoProposal with a different email address, a new contact will be created in Karbon.

If, however, the email address is one that already exists in Karbon, the first contact instance (alphabetical order) will have the work created and assigned to it.

Updating Karbon contacts within GoProposal

The integration with GoProposal will not overwrite an existing contact in Karbon if you selected it from the "Find a contact from Karbon" drop-down in GoProposal. You can change the details in GoProposal, but those changes won't be sent or accepted by Karbon at this time.

If you would like to update the details for a contact to reflect as such in both systems, change the details in Karbon first, and select that contact in the proposal creation process from the "Find a contact from Karbon" drop-down.

Work items from GoProposal

After integrating to GoProposal you can start creating work in Karbon for your team to do, and that way you can cater for your clients from start to finish. Below are a few useful tips and tricks for what happens after a proposal has been sent out and how to manage the work in Karbon.

When does work get created in Karbon through GoProposal?

Work in Karbon won't be created by GoProposal until the proposal is signed, accepted and reflected as won in GoProposal. At that point, any line items mapped to Karbon work templates will create your work items based from those work templates (including the assignment of a work type and associated work statuses).

If the client details included a Company Name (i.e. Organization), the work will be created and assigned to the Organization. If the client details do not include a Company Name (i.e. Person), the work will be created and assigned to the Person (individual).

Once the work is created, If needed, you can put the work item on a repeating schedule.

Can't find the created work in Karbon when using GoProposal

Multiple reasons can exist for work not appearing in Karbon. Below are a list of possible scenarios and how to correct:

  • When: Work in Karbon won't be created by GoProposal until the proposal is signed, accepted and reflected as Won in GoProposal. However, when the proposal is created and sent to a client, if that client is new to Karbon and the proposal is signed, the new client (organization or person) will be added automatically to Karbon.

  • Timing: It can take a minute or two for the work to generate in Karbon after GoProposal marks the proposal as being 'Won'.

  • Association: Work is assigned to both people and organizations. If the proposal included both a contact and an organization (Company Name), the work will be assigned to the organization. If the Company Name was left blank, the work will be created and assigned to the individual.

If you are having trouble finding the work in Karbon, search for the contact through our Global Search, and filter down to work. You'll quickly be able to find it that way and see what may have caused the work to not appear in the place you expected to. Typically this is due to an issue on how the work template was populated.

Information created when GoProposal creates Karbon work item

Any information documented in the chosen template will be created in the work item. If the details from within a Karbon work template are populated, those will carry over into the work generated from the GoProposal integration.

This includes:

  • Any associated work type

  • Related work statuses

  • Attachments and

  • Budgets

Mapping multiple Karbon templates to a single line item in GoProposal

At this time, when using the Edit Line mapping method in GoProposal, only one work template in Karbon can be associated.

However, you can associate multiple work templates to a GoProposal Proposal Type. To setup a proposal type in GoProposal, go to Configure > Proposal Types & Emails. To select multiple work templates for the proposal type, go to the associated Karbon Work Templates section, choose the first work template to associate and then click the entry field to select the second work template, and so forth.

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