The Accounts Receivable (AR) data import feature in Karbon Billing allows users to bring in historical invoice and credit note data into the system. This functionality is available upon request, making it easier to transition to Karbon Billing by importing existing AR data.
How to Request Accounts Receivable Data Import
To request this feature, follow these steps:
Contact Support: Send a request to to initiate the import.
Contact Your Customer Success Manager: If you work with a Customer Success Manager, you may also reach out to them directly for assistance.
Supported Features of Accounts Receivable Data Import
The Accounts Receivable data import provides the following capabilities within Karbon Billing:
Manual Invoice Payment: Imported invoices can be manually marked as paid.
Relevant Journals: Imported invoices and credit notes appear in the appropriate journal on their respective journal dates.
Awaiting Payment & Paid Invoice Lists: Imported invoices and credit notes are included in both the Awaiting Payment and Paid Invoice lists.
View Attached Payments: You can view any payments attached to imported invoices (if a manual payment is recorded).
Billing Totals & Graph Updates: Most graphs and billing totals will update with the imported invoice amounts. However, the Top 5 Invoices list does not currently include imported AR data.