Service types in Karbon are designed to streamline how you categorize and manage your work, aligning Karbon’s workflow structure with how your firm operates. This feature helps you group related work types, improving organization and laying the foundation for enhanced functionality.
Service types allow you to categorize and manage work types under broader categories that reflect the services your firm provides. For example, you can group work types like "Individual Tax Returns" and "Corporate Tax Preparation" under a service type called "Tax Services." This creates a more organized and intuitive structure for your team.
Key Benefits of Service Types:
Improved Organization: Group work types under service types to mirror your firm's offerings.
Customizable Relationships: Tailor service type-to-work type mappings to suit your firm's specific needs.
Client Visibility: Service types are visible to clients on engagements and through the Karbon for Clients portal.
Setting up Service Types
Go to the Workflow Settings in Karbon and select the Service Types tab.
Add Service Types:
Click Add New Service Type and enter a name that represents a category of work your firm provides (e.g., "Tax Services" or "Advisory Services").
Save the new service type.
Map Work Types to Service Types:
Assign each work type to a relevant service type. For example, map "Individual Tax Returns" to "Tax Services."
Note: Each work type can only be linked to one service type, or left unmapped if it's internal-facing.
Customize as Needed:
Edit or delete service types and adjust mappings at any time to reflect changes in your firm's services.