Learn how Karbon works: Workflow Management

Get a look at some ways you can manage your company's workflow.

Andi Ancheta avatar
Written by Andi Ancheta
Updated over a week ago

So far, we have covered the basics of Triage, collaboration, and work in Karbon. Let's go a bit deeper and look at some ways you can manage your company's workflow.

Karbon has been designed to help you improve the delivery of your work by increasing on-time delivery, reducing time to complete, and improving overall quality. 9 out of 10 customers have been able to achieve this.

It all comes down to repeatable processes, clear ownership, efficient workflow and work visualization. In Karbon, this is enabled within each work item, viewed and managed on your Kanban board, and optimized in your settings.

Key concepts to understand, leverage and use include:

Not only can you manage all internal tasks for each work item—you can also bring your clients into your workflow and assign them tasks. With scheduled emails and reminders sent to your clients, you can completely automate the client chase, saving your team even more time. Learn how in this short video on client tasks.

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